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» Can't Get You Out of My Head (avec Rein)
A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues  - Page 5 EmptyAujourd'hui à 0:11 par Rein

» Tous ceux qui errent ne sont pas perdus. [PV Lulu] [+18]
A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues  - Page 5 EmptyHier à 20:40 par Lulu

» Un frère éloigné vaut moins qu'un voisin (avec Lexis)
A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues  - Page 5 EmptyHier à 17:07 par Clionestra

» "Avec un mensonge on va loin, mais sans espoir de retour" - Ft. Charly
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» Silicon Heart ft. Lexis
A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues  - Page 5 EmptyHier à 16:29 par Ananas

» Raven and Bones
A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues  - Page 5 EmptyHier à 10:04 par Lexis

» Apocalypse Rouge [PV Opale Or]
A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues  - Page 5 EmptyJeu 25 Juil - 22:57 par Lexis

» "What ever you do? Don't eat the f***ing candy." avec Gäa
A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues  - Page 5 EmptyJeu 25 Juil - 21:51 par Clionestra

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A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues

Messages : 83
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2023
Région : Québec
Crédits : google tout simplement je n'ai pas vue de créateur.

Univers fétiche : Réel
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Valise 2
Jeu 17 Aoû - 5:27

Bethany Clarks
J'ai 30 ans et je vis à , . Dans la vie, je suis sans emploi et je m'en sors statut de vie pas bien.

Informations supplémentaires ici.

Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2022
Crédits : Mystical : VAN.J

Univers fétiche : The masquerade
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Jeu 17 Aoû - 22:29

J'ai 34 ans et je vis à ..., .... Dans la vie, je suis homme a tout faire, mais j'ai reçu la formation pour être gardien de services correctionnel.

Psalm est mon pseudonyme. Je ne met mon nom légal nul part, comme ce serait risqué pour le business.

So tear me open and pour me out
Crippled but free, I was blind all the time
I was learning to see

Messages : 83
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2023
Région : Québec
Crédits : google tout simplement je n'ai pas vue de créateur.

Univers fétiche : Réel
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Valise 2
Ven 18 Aoû - 3:03

Bethany Clarks
J'ai 30 ans et je vis à , . Dans la vie, je suis sans emploi et je m'en sors statut de vie pas bien.

Informations supplémentaires ici.

When I woke up the next morning, I stretched my sore body before even opening my eyes. It was honestly the best night of sleep I had since I’m here…. But when I do open my eyes, everything that happened just hit me. This man literally used my body like he wanted without my consent…. And I fucking orgasm! It was official, I lost my mind. I’m crazy, he success in breaking me. I turn my head to see water and breakfast. I sit up, take the duvet to hide my body and take the water before eating. I was starving. I didn’t eat yesterday, and my stomach make me realize it. I eat all he left me then just stay in bed... I didn’t want to get up and walk around naked… I want clothes…

I was still in the same position when I hear the door open…Fuck no! I don’t want to see him. He could have just forgotten me I would have been happier… I don’t really move; I just keep the duvet on myself. I don’t look up. I don’t want to face him. I’m mad at him for what he did to me, but I’m ashamed as fuck that I liked it. I don’t look up at him, but I needed to ask.

Can…can I have clothed…please…

I guess he’ll refuse, but I got to ask. I don’t want to be all day naked in front of him. I don’t want him to look at me that way again. I don’t want to see him anymore so I’ll try to look away as much as I can. I will try my best to do the task he’ll ask me quickly and perfectly, just to be free of him, his tongue, his mouth and his hands…

What is my task today?

I try to speak as normally as possible, but my voice was still weak. I spoke enough clearly for him to hear me, but he will know automatically that I’m not good with what happened, that my head is more fucked up than ever before. For now, I just stay there, not moving and not looking toward him. I was waiting for him to see if he’ll give me clothes and what he will make me do today.

Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2022
Crédits : Mystical : VAN.J

Univers fétiche : The masquerade
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Ven 18 Aoû - 5:33

J'ai 34 ans et je vis à ..., .... Dans la vie, je suis homme a tout faire, mais j'ai reçu la formation pour être gardien de services correctionnel.

Psalm est mon pseudonyme. Je ne met mon nom légal nul part, comme ce serait risqué pour le business.

So tear me open and pour me out
Crippled but free, I was blind all the time
I was learning to see

The little lamb is hidden by the duvet and I almost smile at the attempt of modesty while she orgasmed on my face mere hours ago. She had eaten and she seemed to had a great night overall. I’m pretty sure I prefer her tied by her throat to my bath than the refreshing look she got now, but it’s satisfying to know she’s probably unable to get me out of her head for a whole different reason this morning. The brunette asked for clothes and I smirked.

-Is there something you want to trade for clothes, doll ?

Funny how I could give her, only to rip them apart later. Knowing I can toy with her as much as I want thrill me. She goes ahead and asks what is her task of the day. Of course, the quicker she’ll be done, the quicker I’ll let her go - or that’s what I’ve done so far. I could change the algorithm to mess with her. But for now.. I don’t intend to. I gave her an unamused look.

-Dusting. A four years old can do that. I felt lenient this morning, so easy chores should do.

I then smirk, wanting to bully her a little.

-Rabbits don’t miss you anyway. They feel fear, you know.

I close the distance between us, saying

-You should hop out of bed, clothes or not. Your pussy seems still damp and you being still in your sheet is tempting me.

I licked my teeth, restraining myself from adding more. I wanted her to shiver even though I was not touching her. Fear? Disgust. Certainly. But I entertained the thought of her choking on my cock in the near future having the same horror tattooed on her face. I placed myself behind her and made sure she was going upstairs, where I gave her a dusting rag and a small bucket of soap water. I cooed, faking a gentle tone.

-Do you need me to show you how it’s done, doll?

I raised both eyebrows, knowing by now she was too sheltered to even know the basics skills of life, but still hoping she would not be a stranger to dusting. It was, by any means, a kid chore. While she was starting in the kitchen - the only room she was familiar with - I contemplated my own objectives for the day.  A loud sound made it’s way to the house and I guessed quickly it was a car engine. A loud one. I knew by now this meant only one thing : there were people in the trunk. I tried to met the gaze of the brunette. I went toward her, made her sit at the table and leaned over her.

-You’re gonna behave, doll, won’t you? don’t move an inch.

I pat my pocket to make sure my gun is well tucked into it as I put my finger over my lips to sign her to be silent. I then whispered.

-Those are not policeman or a rescue team. If they saw you, they’ll ask I let them toy with you. Maybe you’d like that, doll… since your cunt came so beautifully yesterday, maybe that’s your thing.

I tried not to laugh as I saw the shock on her face. I went out to meet the guys, and to add to the fear she was feeling, I let the door wide open. Risky. But what was life without a little gamble. As soon as I put a feet on my deck, I heard a guy shooting obscenities through a rag. A newcomer? how could it be… It’s surely to kill and not to keep, I assured myself. Two mens were standing there, giving crap to the poor lad twisting on the ground as ropes were retraining him. One was quick to ask.

“Not keeping a single soul, Psalm?”

I grinned, but I was not that eager for the little lamb to ear too much about me through the door I did not close.

-Maybe I am. Who’s that dick?

I gesture toward the new captive. The two mens laughed  loudly.
“Nobody anymore.” “He had it coming, ya know?”

I nodded my head, taking the rope to lift the guys. He was almost heavy. A skinny-fat one.. the kind of frail nobody who thought money was enough to buy his way to the top and who drank himself away with prostitutes. Probably someone who thought he could double by working for my boss and some other organization. Stupid. Nothing new. I rised a shoulder.

-Why bother keeping him alive, then? Will he be on the missing list when he’ll disappear?

The prisoner was sweating, crying while trying to talk to me - probably calling me names. He knew he was game over by being here. The first guy shrugged.

“Probably” “We’re leaving him here. Just wait so we don’t get any blood on us, right?”

-No problem. Get going, then.

They nodded, before turning their back to me and getting in their car. The engine roared before they disappeared into a cloud of sand and heated wind. Without any hesitation, I took my gun and shooted the guy in the head once. I checked the pulse, getting my hand wet in his hot blood at the same time, then I entered the house. i knew my little lamb saw nothing as the now corpse was not in front of the open door, but she definitely heard the whole thing. Without any regard to her, I went to the sink and washed my hands.

-You can resume dusting, doll.
Messages : 83
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2023
Région : Québec
Crédits : google tout simplement je n'ai pas vue de créateur.

Univers fétiche : Réel
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Valise 2
Ven 18 Aoû - 19:22

Bethany Clarks
J'ai 30 ans et je vis à , . Dans la vie, je suis sans emploi et je m'en sors statut de vie pas bien.

Informations supplémentaires ici.

I know he’s here. He’s right next to me but I stay in the duvet, and I don’t move. I don’t want him to look at my naked body anymore. I want him as far away as possible. I don’t want to feel his touch on me…. I know I can’t really do anything and fuck it makes me sick. He can do what he wants with me, and I can’t do a fucking thing. I’m his doll, as he seems to love to call me. He asks to trade something for clothes, and I feel tears coming from my eyes… I shake my head and hurry to make the tears go away with my hands. He really stole everything from me and break me like I didn’t think possible to do. I just ask for my task of the day after that. I just want it to be over and come back here alone. When he says dusting, I was kind of real. I’m not a complete mess about that. I’m not as good as a housekeeper, but with that, I’ll manage.

I know how to do that.

It’s not like I was doing it really often, but I know how. I don’t answer or move when he talks about the rabbit…. I don’t want to react and give him more satisfaction. I hear him come closer, closing the distance between us but I don’t look at him. I keep my eyes on my hands on the bed. When I hear his voice again, I shiver…. I don’t want him on me again. I take a deep breath and get up, but I tried to cover my body as I could. I’m not a big girl so I manage to hide my breast as I could, but it was harder to cover down. He makes me go upstairs again, fully naked again…. He gave me a dusting rag and soap water…I don’t move right away, trying to think how I can cover myself and do that at the same time…. When he speaks, I just shake a no with my head. I take what he gave me and start working. This time at least, I knew what I was doing. I was working in the kitchen when a loud sound came from outside… My head spun toward the outside, hoping it was help for only a second. My captor makes his way toward me, and I let my head go down, doesn’t want to look at him. He makes me sit at the table, so I do as he makes me. I nob my head.

I won’t move.

I was trying to speak the least needed, but I know he want to hear that. He whispers to me that it was not police or rescue…. Toy with me? Fuck no! What he says next almost made me sick. My thing? He is so wrong. He went finally outside, and he fucking let the door open! I don’t move, I stay completely silent, and just fucking afraid of what is to come…. I don’t hear much, just some voices, but I keep one thing in my mind. Psalm. Was it his name? I try to hear, but I knew it could cause me some trouble, so I don’t really listen. I was just keeping Psalm in my mind. That could make me die sooner if I know his name, these kinds of people don’t really like when you know their name. I don’t really hear anything else until the car seems to go away, then I hear a gunshot. This time, it was fucking hard not to move or scream. When he came back inside the house, he only asks me to resume…. I take me a lot of effort to just get up as my body was shaking from the fear. I stand up, still trying to cover my body and take back where my tasks were abandoned earlier… Making him angry is the last thing I want to do at the moment. I know right now would be a great time If I want to die, but I’m too afraid to even speak…. I just keep dusting in silence, avoiding any visual contact with him.

Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2022
Crédits : Mystical : VAN.J

Univers fétiche : The masquerade
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Lun 18 Sep - 21:21

J'ai 34 ans et je vis à ..., .... Dans la vie, je suis homme a tout faire, mais j'ai reçu la formation pour être gardien de services correctionnel.

Psalm est mon pseudonyme. Je ne met mon nom légal nul part, comme ce serait risqué pour le business.

Took an oath by the blood on my hand

Messages : 83
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2023
Région : Québec
Crédits : google tout simplement je n'ai pas vue de créateur.

Univers fétiche : Réel
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Valise 2
Mar 19 Sep - 15:59

Bethany Clarks
J'ai 30 ans et je vis à , . Dans la vie, je suis sans emploi et je m'en sors statut de vie pas bien.

Informations supplémentaires ici.

Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2022
Crédits : Mystical : VAN.J

Univers fétiche : The masquerade
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Jeu 21 Sep - 17:19

J'ai 34 ans et je vis à ..., .... Dans la vie, je suis homme a tout faire, mais j'ai reçu la formation pour être gardien de services correctionnel.

Psalm est mon pseudonyme. Je ne met mon nom légal nul part, comme ce serait risqué pour le business.

Don't trust in me, it's all make-believe

Messages : 83
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2023
Région : Québec
Crédits : google tout simplement je n'ai pas vue de créateur.

Univers fétiche : Réel
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Valise 2
Mar 26 Sep - 3:39

Bethany Clarks
J'ai 30 ans et je vis à , . Dans la vie, je suis sans emploi et je m'en sors statut de vie pas bien.

Informations supplémentaires ici.

Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2022
Crédits : Mystical : VAN.J

Univers fétiche : The masquerade
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Jeu 28 Sep - 5:12

J'ai 34 ans et je vis à ..., .... Dans la vie, je suis homme a tout faire, mais j'ai reçu la formation pour être gardien de services correctionnel.

Psalm est mon pseudonyme. Je ne met mon nom légal nul part, comme ce serait risqué pour le business.

Don't trust in me, it's all make-believe

A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues
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