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A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues

Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2022
Crédits : Mystical : VAN.J

Univers fétiche : The masquerade
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Jeu 20 Avr - 0:15
Le contexte du RP
Mise en situation

La situation
Les disparitions. Avoir attiré le regard de la mauvaise personne ou avoir été au mauvais endroit, au mauvais moment. Il n'y a aucune façon de prévoir ces situations et, parfois, il n'y aucune façon de s'en sortir.

Contexte provenant de l'univers réel
Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2022
Crédits : Mystical : VAN.J

Univers fétiche : The masquerade
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Jeu 20 Avr - 4:39

J'ai 34 ans et je vis à ..., .... Dans la vie, je suis homme a tout faire, mais j'ai reçu la formation pour être gardien de services correctionnel.

Psalm est mon pseudonyme. Je ne met mon nom légal nul part, comme ce serait risqué pour le business.

Took an oath by the blood on my hand

Je traversais le port d'un pas lent, solide. La poussière volait lors de chaque coup que mes semelles assénaient au sol, me collait à la peau. J'humectais mes lèvres sèches, en vain, alors que ma bouche était elle-même un désert.  Il n'y avait pas d'échappatoire à la chaleur, pas ici. Heureusement, je m'y étais fait avec les années. Heureusement, je faisais partie de ceux qui choisissaient qui la chaleur tuais. Je ne figurais pas sur la liste.

Le cargot dégoûtait encore d’eau salée, chaque gouttelette un reflet de la lueur de la lune. Ce que je devais prendre devait disparaître avant demain matin. Avant que les travailleurs envahissent les docks, avant que les inspecteurs ne listent ce qui mettait le pied en ces terres. Deux hommes m’escortèrent vers les conteneurs. Silencieusement. Je n’avais rien à leur dire. Je n’étais pas particulièrement heureux d’avoir un nouvel invité si tôt, alors que j’avais autant à gérer. J’imagine que celui qui me l’envoyait n’avait pas prévu de faire sa récolte si tôt. J’ancrais mes bottes dans le sol alors que l’une de mes deux escortes ouvrait la porte. Parmi les boites et les caisses, là, au milieu de la cargaison, se trouvait un corps étranger. Une femme. Les longues mèches de chevelure brune humide d’eau et de sueur s’échappaient de la cagoule tissée qu’elle portait, dissimulant ses traits à ma vue. Je m’en approchais, nouvellement curieux. Ce n’était pas ce qui était prévu. Je m’accroupis devant elle, incertain du pourquoi ce n’était pas la personne que j’attendais. Sa respiration m’indiquait déjà que ses somnifères n’étaient plus effectifs. Faignait-elle d’elle endormie ou était-elle tétanisée? D’une main sur sa nuque, je soulevais sa tête, alors que de l’autre, je retirais le tissu qui m’indisposais déjà. À peine avais-je les yeux sur elle que je tombais dans ses pupilles. On ne peut plus réveillée. Je lui offris un sourire faussement rassurant.

-Hi there, sugar.

Je laissais tomber la cagoule à mes pieds, prenant plutôt sa mâchoire entre mes doigts. Je tournais sa tête à gauche, puis à droite, cherchant les possibles blessures à traiter si elle avait été frappée dans le processus, scrutant sa peau dans le noir, mais l’inspectant sans douceur, comme si elle était un chien. Je le lâchais d’un coup sec, sans ménagement, laissant le haut de son corps retomber au sol.  

-Get her in the trunk. Il’l go over the fret once at the cabin.

Je savais que, déjà, l’un des subordonné entravait de nouveau la vision de la jeune femme pour qu’elle ne puisse suivre le chemin des yeux jusqu’à la cabine, peut-être même lui faisait-il respirer un autre linge de chloroforme. Je savais qu’il la chargeait sans ménagement sur son épaule pour la traîner vers le coffre du camion. Déjà, je ne m’en préoccupais plus. Je pouvais remettre l’idée de me détester à quelques heures, encore. Lorsque je la briserais jusqu’à ce que je ne la vois plus en regardant dans ses pupilles.


Si la chaleur pénétrait par la fenêtre de la cabine, je savais que je n’en profiterai que peu pour la matinée. Je me promenais dans la cuisine, coulant mon café et laissant sortir les chiens, bien trop conscient de la plante de mes pieds. De ce qui se trouvait en dessous. Les planches de bois usées n’étaient pas suffisamment droites pour couper tous les rayons et j’imaginais l’un ou deux d’entre eux perçant certainement l’isolement de ma locataire. J’imaginais l’air sec, mais frais que lui offrait son espace sans fenêtre. Comme tant de gens avant elle. Ma poigne trop serrée sur l'anse de ma tasse et la fréquence à laquelle je passais ma langue sur les pointes de mes canines et de mes prémolaires en vas-et-viens laissait transparaître mon agacement. Malgré cela, je ruminais silencieusement tout ce que mon esprit m’offrait pour oublier le bois craquelé sous mes pieds, pour oublier que je n’y pensais que trop.

D’un coup ferme, je déposais ma tasse sur la table devant moi et raclais ma chaise au sol en étirant mes jambes pour la reculer. Je laissais ainsi l’espace dont j’avais besoin pour m’extirper de ma position si nouvellement inconfortable, comme si j’accusais la table de m’enfermer en son sein, alors que mes pensées étaient les seules coupables qui me comprimaient l’esprit. Sans attendre, j’ouvrais la porte qui menait à la cave et m’y engouffrais. En descendant les marches deux à deux, j’ignorais la personne qui se tenait dans la grande salle sans murs, comme s’il y avait autre chose  de plus intéressant à fixer dans le vide. J’ignorais tout ce qu’elle était. Rien.

Elle était là où je l’avais laissée la veille ; au centre de son lit, simple matelas sur une vieille base de métal grinçante. En la lorgnant à la dérobée, je ne réussis pas à bluffer quelconque chaleur dans mon regard, comme si mes pupilles étaient sculptées de pierre. De glace. Je la détestais déjà pour ce que j’allais lui faire. Pourtant, mes mots glissèrent sur ma langue comme une ferme caresse. La caresse que l’on sait venue de la même main qui giffle.

- The sun is high, sugar. How are you still in bed?

Mon regard s’arrêta sur la chaîne à sa cheville, la contemplant comme si elle ne voulait rien dire. Minimisant la situation de la brunette d’un haussement d’épaule. Réduisant à de simples excuses son existence même par mon indifférence. Au creux de ma prison, personne n’était une victime. Elle n’était certainement pas ici pour ses beaux yeux.

Messages : 87
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2023
Région : Québec
Crédits : google tout simplement je n'ai pas vue de créateur.

Univers fétiche : Réel
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Valise 2
Ven 21 Avr - 23:05

Bethany Clarks
J'ai 30 ans et je vis à , . Dans la vie, je suis sans emploi et je m'en sors statut de vie pas bien.

Informations supplémentaires ici.

The sun was high, it was a beautiful day and maybe the first time I was just enjoying myself. I’ve tried to let go all the question I had in minds for months and just letting the sun hitting my skin. For the first time, I almost forgot all the trouble I was having finding answer but then, all got dark. I didn’t know what happens to me, but all was dark and when I open my eyes again, I had a bag or somethings like that on my head. I was feeling so sick, my stomach and heart was blurred. I didn’t know where I was, why me, where am I going…I try to speak, call someone but I knew I was alone. I don’t know how but I could feel that nobody was with me. I think I’ve never been that much afraid in all my life. But then, all fade again. My eyes shut; I was incapable of keeping then open. This ‘’trip’’ if I can call it like that was long, too long. I’ve passed out half of the time, try to escape the other half. Suddenly, I heard a door open, then some people approaching. I didn’t move, didn’t know if I should scream or what. I was frozen, terrorize to imagine what was happening to me. One hand grabs the back of my neck, and what was on my head was gone, it took me a second to adjust my eyes at the light then I look at the man holding me. I kept my mouth shut, incapable to speak anyway.  When the man smiles, I got only more scared. Something in his eyes make me understand he was dangerous. I wasn’t free now or rescued, he was coming to collect me even if I didn’t know what I’ve done the be here. He grabs my face, looking at me both side roughly. Nothing seems kind about the men. When he finely let go of me, my body just fall on the ground. I was week for the time I was in here. I just got time the hears what he said and again…everything went dark…


When my eyes open again, I was in a tiny bed. I think it was the smallest I ever got in and the most uncomfortable. I knew I wasn’t here for a week of, all include and stuff… But I got to admit, I was so afraid now. I stretched myself before I feel the chain that was keeping me here. My breath was having a hard time to get to my lungs I was panicked in fact.  I tried to calm myself but when I tried to look around, it was so dark. I jump when I heard sounds coming from upstairs, then the door open. I kept my breath again when the same men appear. Even ice was warmer than him. I didn’t move, like if my brain try to tell me that, if I don’t move, he’s not going to see or talk to me. But then, is voice break the silence.

It's not like I could see it down here…

My voice was so small. Almost like a whisper... I wanted to sound strong and confident, but it was a total failure. I bring my legs to my chest like the chains was letting me do it, then I look up to the men with me now.

Why I am here? What did I do?
Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2022
Crédits : Mystical : VAN.J

Univers fétiche : The masquerade
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Sam 22 Avr - 2:05

J'ai 34 ans et je vis à ..., .... Dans la vie, je suis homme a tout faire, mais j'ai reçu la formation pour être gardien de services correctionnel.

Psalm est mon pseudonyme. Je ne met mon nom légal nul part, comme ce serait risqué pour le business.

Took an oath by the blood on my hand

Her voice reached my ears. A breeze would have been more powerful. God have mercy. This small dove was nothing like the hassle I was waiting for. For sure, the big guy was playing a prank on me and I could not wait to see what he would have to say to defend himself. How was this.. I sighted, annoyed, refusing to finish my thought. There was no way I was getting out of getting her out in the end. And what if she was indeed the one I was waiting for? I could not let any ounce of compassion growing within me as if I did, I knew it would be too late to then crush her merciless. I was still closing the distance between us. I knew this basement by heart, but it was still challenging to look at her fully in the little light we had.  Then I heard her. “Why am I here? What did I do?

Without any warning, I kicked the side of the bed. The bed squealed as the wooden wall cracked from the impact. I proceeded to let my feet on her mattress, at her side, and leaned on my knee until I was inches from her. I gazed at her, stopped myself to avoid pinching my lips together as to keep myself from telling her I didn’t fucking knew. My voice was so low. A whisper. A roar. All the same, all at once.

-You tell me.

I clenched my teeth and backed away. I had to show I was in control. As sure as hell I was. But there was this unsettledness in my guts. Something kept resonating inside. Not the one I was waiting for. I licked the tips of my canines, not letting it shows. My tongue was already surfaced by littles cuts, a sensitive mess, and it had only be a couple of hours since she arrived. That was my tell, a physical sign I was annoyed or upset, and I was too aware of it by now. Wreck her. A look on her pale body and I was already going again at my teeth.

Turning around, I reached for a small door in the far left corner. A touch of my thumbs on the digital lock released a sonorous beep, the sound high enough so I can hear it if it goes off while I’m upstair. Not that she could open it without my thumbprint, but, hey! Who trust someone whose life is on the line.I heard myself rambling, telling the brunette things I usually don’t care about.

-I’d rather you didnt’.

I reached for a wool rag, nothing fancy and threw it at her.

- ’don’t wanna hear your name. ‘don’t wanna know about you.

I rolled the half of a whiskey barrel out of the closet and landed it in the middle of the room. Since she was still chained to her bed, I took my sweet time to go upstair and came back with water to fill the tub. Twice. Thrice. Then I locked the room with the same fingerprint device I used on the closet. I walked toward my little caged bird, pacing myself to go slow. She would probably be afraid of me kicking her nest again. I extended my fingers at her, grabbing her trapped ankle as carefully as I would pick up broken glass. Picked the lock with a key I had in the pocket of my ripped jeans while my calloused hands contrasted with her so lightly tanned skin. I let her leg go. As I was going again for the closet, mindfully turning my back to her again even if she was conscious and now free to move.

-Dunno if you are the running type or the whinning one, but cry, sing, shout, you won't go anywhere. There is no one around except for me and tears would only soothe me to sleep.  

I seized a wrought iron foldable chair in the locker, letting it scrape the floor heavily as the reverberating noise filled the room until I reached a corner near the entrance.

-Not sure you need the head up now, but it’s bath time.

I took place on the chair I unfolded a second ago, facing her fully. I could not afford to let her drown herself if she had any suicidal thoughts and I was not to face the wall like a cherry boy. It’s not as if I stayed to creep on her, but it sure was appealing to let her think I was . Teasing her was not at the top of my mind right now, but I couldn't help myself. I craved the tortured look I knew she’d give me. I wanted her to hate everything I was, so I could go harder on her. Break her. My voice was an octave too low when I asked her, totally unfazed by the though of seeing her naked.

-Need some help?

Messages : 87
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2023
Région : Québec
Crédits : google tout simplement je n'ai pas vue de créateur.

Univers fétiche : Réel
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Valise 2
Sam 22 Avr - 3:21

Bethany Clarks
J'ai 30 ans et je vis à , . Dans la vie, je suis sans emploi et je m'en sors statut de vie pas bien.

Informations supplémentaires ici.

I wish I could understand what I was doing here. I’m not the kind of girl who run to dangerous men or something like that. I’m aware that the people who bought me are not nice like I thought they were, but I didn’t even speak with anyone that are in that world. I never got answer for anything, but here I am in that awful place with this man… I don’t know who he is, all I know about him is that every time I look at him, all my body scream from the inside that I should run. Like I could! I’m chained here and he’s looking at me like he doesn’t care for anything. He seems used to things like that. What kind of monster do I have in front of me? I risk myself asking him why I was here, what did I do…I didn’t know exactly why and I kind of hoping he could tell me…

He broke the distance between us so fast that I didn’t prepare myself for what was going to happens…He kicked the bed I was still on, and I couldn’t keep a little scream of fear breaking the seal of my lips. My eyes shot almost instantly, scared of what was going to happens to me. When he says it was on me to tell him, I open my eyes again and turn my face to him.

I would if I knew…

I didn’t want to confront him, but I have no clue! I was alone before everything happens, didn’t ear of no one, just trying to enjoy being alive even if it means I’ll never truly know what happens to me when I was a child and the next things I saw, was he’s face. I’ve never seen him before and now I was trapped here why this freak. He finally leaves my side, and I could break a little. I kept my eyes on him, or what was moving that I could see. His voice starts again…. He as a deep voice that just froze me. Nothing lovable on the person. I listen to him, and I don’t know, I just got frustrated.

You kidnapped me, but don’t want to know nothing about me? What king of freak are you?

I knew I should keep my mouth shut. What was wrong with me… I guess I don’t have any survival instinct or anything. Any girl with a brain would not say what I just did but fuck, it didn’t make sense! I don’t want to be here, obviously, he kidnapped me but don’t know anything? He just took my name from a jar for all I know! He pushes a whiskey barrel out of the space he was in, I kept looking at what he was doing, going up and coming down with water. I’m I going to die so soon? Drowning? What a horrible death…I guess it could be worst, but that’s not what I was hoping for my big final. He finally came back to me, and I try to stay away like I could…He go for the chain to my ankles and let it go. I instantly grab my legs and rub my ankles…This chain hurt my skin!

I’m not going to give you that pleasure. It’s my first time being kidnapped, sorry can’t help you on what kind of prisoner I am…

I was trying so strong to not let my fear speaks or show him how much I just didn’t know what to do. I know for a fact If I try to run, I’m dead. I’m too clumsy to even considerate that option. But I don’t want to cry or begging for him to let me go. He finally took a chair out too, place it near the barrel. He said to me it was bath time. Does he really thing I’m going in there, for a bath with him just watch me? He was even worse than I was thinking. My eyes got from the barrel to him, taking place in that chair and just stay there, waiting. My brain tries to find a way to get out of this situation. I couldn’t see any way out…

You wish. So, you kidnapped girl and just watch them get naked like a pervs? Could find someone who could tolerated you?

Gosh I was so in danger. I don’t know what got me…I still look at him, and I knew he was going to rip my clothes off if I don’t do what he says. It’s not like I was shy of my body, I’m not insecure. But getting naked in front of the men who kidnapped me is not the same thing. I don’t know what’s going to happens to me next. I got up of the bed slowly, approaches the barrel and just obeys in taking my clothe off and getting in the barrel. I was trying so hard to be strong that I didn’t even know what I was doing by being a brat with him. I just stay in the water, keeping my eyes on him not talking anymore, not knowing what to do.
Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2022
Crédits : Mystical : VAN.J

Univers fétiche : The masquerade
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Dim 23 Avr - 7:07

J'ai 34 ans et je vis à ..., .... Dans la vie, je suis homme a tout faire, mais j'ai reçu la formation pour être gardien de services correctionnel.

Psalm est mon pseudonyme. Je ne met mon nom légal nul part, comme ce serait risqué pour le business.

Took an oath by the blood on my hand

When I heard her saying it was her first time getting kidnapped, I was pissed. Was it some sort of a game to her? Did she though it was back and forth, getting kidnapped then being released, then in the cargo again? How naive. What kind of brat was she. I was good at my job, meaning she’ll be out as soon as I was getting the right call. Out, for sure, but unalived body doesn't get much interest from kidnappers anymore.

-There is usualy no second time. Have a blast while it last.


She was still in her bed, wondering what my intentions were. Barking at me. I owned her nothing, no explanations, no clues. But I had to make something clear about who I was and why I was the one in front of her. If she was to beg for answers day and night, whining, looking for why I « kidnapped her », that would be annoying as hell. I’ve got no interest in her unless she’s indeed who she’s supposed to be and , then again, that would change so few details in the days to come.

I’m not the one who kidnapped you. I’m the one keeping you here.

Can’t help how my mind added Now, stop barkin’ like a bitch. but I kept it to myself. She clearly was not aware how a girl in the house would mean a living hell for her, if this whole situation was not already it. Women are cruel to each others, thousand times crueller than man. Never had a girl in here, but friends did mixed love and business. It always ended up ugly. Female keeper are way worse than us. Than me. They love to torture the pretty things, getting them gang raped by friends or disfigured by the end of week one. If I was to house a mate here while keeping the brunette... Jealousy is a flaw women don’t overcome easily. Was I a pervert? Maybe I was, but she was some kind of filthy leftover for now. Nothing to drool over. Finally, she stepped out of her bed toward the barrel. Never once took my stare off her, drinking her uneasyness with my eyes. When she removed her clothes, I made sure to look straight to her face. I wanted her to know she was watched, not to think she was desired.

It’s been days since they’ve trew you in the cargo. Hopping in was the right call.

I get up, going for the closet to retrieve a black as coal soap bar and a plastic bag.

I wouldnt have forced you. But god knows you stinked so badly the dog were gagging when we took you in yesterday.

Fact is, I would have forced her. I had no clues if she had injuries under her clothes and by the time she came here, it could have been infected. My job is to keep her alive until my job is to do everything to make sure she is not anymore. she would not die of a stupid infection, not on my watch. It was still satisfying to convince her she chose to get buttnaked in front of me on her own free will. I offered the soap bar, my palm layed down inches from her, waiting for her to take it. As soon as my hand got free, I bended over to pick up her clothes and tighly tied them in the plastic bag.

Don’t expect to get them back. Protocol want me to burn them.

I would have provoked her again, asking if she wanted lace or latex for her change of clothes, but I was still tired of how she was growing so easily on my nerves. I was used to 200lbs pussy who wanted to buy me out of killing them. I was used to intel boys who though bosses were where they where by luck and fooling around, forgetting plotting was the last thing you wanted to do under their reign. Girls who needed a last lessons hardly learned. I was use to people who knew very well how they ended up in my care. I was a thrustworthy man for my boss and I knew I would carry my orders to their fulfillment, but I was still curious as to why her. I could notice no similarities in the traits she beared. She seemed clueless. Defenseless. Still, I sure was not about to discover how she ended up here by asking her and I was no doctor to prove who her parents were. He would come in his time.

but call me a perv once more and I’ll conveniently forget to bring you clean clothes.


I let the time pass, enjoying silence. In due time, I gave her towels and I let clean folded clothes on her bed. I emptied the barrel in the pipe drain which led to the sewers while ignoring her, probably getting dressed. I made sure no items were left in the room and locked the closet. Again, a loud sound confirmed I was doing it right. Slowly but surely, I closed the distance between us.

Get on the bed, doll.

My eyes drove hers to the irons I was about to chain her with. Again. I was aware of the red skin patch around her ankle and I didn’t mind it. As to pacify her, since I was not eager to behold another fussy scene, I muttered something in between a white lie and a dark truth.

Can’t escape it for now, but you won’t have the time to get use to it.

Don’t worry. I would have said it, but something within me kept the poor girl from my sarcasm. She was not from this world. Hell damned me if she was to actually believe me and expected to be worriless as she remained in my keep. As much as I holded my peace dear and wanted her not to fight, making it easy for me, as much as a part of me wanted to watch her fight to make me acknowledge she surely did nothing wrong.

Messages : 87
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2023
Région : Québec
Crédits : google tout simplement je n'ai pas vue de créateur.

Univers fétiche : Réel
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Valise 2
Mar 2 Mai - 3:56

Bethany Clarks
J'ai 30 ans et je vis à , . Dans la vie, je suis sans emploi et je m'en sors statut de vie pas bien.

Informations supplémentaires ici.

I don’t know what I was trying to do with my attitude, I know I’m not going to scared him or somethings like that. I’m not the first person to be down there et he really seems to be used to things like that. I didn’t want to look like that girls who’s going to cry every second from now. He’s scary, I don’t doubt he will hurt me if he needs who want to so for now, I will try to look like this situation doesn’t freak me out. When he opens his mouth again and speak, I just look at him but doesn’t say anything. I could have provoked him again but this time, it wouldn’t be smart.

I was still in the bed, and I just keep calling shit about him and acting like a brat. I will not be here and just let him do whatever he like with me. I wish I knew why I was here, what did I do to deserve that kind of thing? I’m not the kind of girl who take drugs or be with people who’s not in a good word. I know I was buy when I was a baby and that kind of thing is probably a dark thing but was that enough for that? Maybe i should have just try to live a life miserable in the dark after losing everything I had….I can’t go back in time so now, I just have to face everything… I didn’t really want to be naked in front of that guy, but I knew I didn’t have really a choice…. And it wasn’t really a bad idea to jump in that bath if I can call it that. I remove my cloth and get in the water. I didn’t answer when he talks again, I don’t want to give him the satisfaction to know that yeah, he did. I really need that. It kind of burn my skin where the chain was before but I knew it would help.

Then maybe I should have stay like that, just to annoyed you.

I was saying that, but god I was happy for myself to be in there. I never past a day without a bath of a shower and I was disgusted by myself before that bath. He offered me the soap and this time I didn’t hesitate to take it. I was already naked in that water, at least I will be clean. He took my clothes from the ground and put it in the plastic bag, I kept looking at what he was doing.

I hope you’ll pay them back, those clothes cost more than what you have.

I don’t have much left from my hold life. Almost all my clothes and all I have been taken when my parents have been arrested. I could keep some of the thing I had since I kind of need to be dressed, but I don’t have much now…Not that I need them in that basement with this creep. I know I was again searching for trouble when I call him pervs, but what he answers just convinced me to keep my mouth shut after. I don’t want to stay naked; I’ll completely freeze down there and even if I’ll not feel safe in here, I’ll be more vulnerable. I just didn’t speak for a moment, enjoying the water. In time, he gave me towel and he let me clothe on the bed. I step out of the bath and rolled the towel on me. I take the clothes and put them on me. He came back close to me, and I just do what he says. I go on the bed and just look at what he was doing. He takes de chain again.

Is it really necessary? I mean, it’s not like I could possibly get out of here! I won’t escape, but that thing hurt…

I know I don’t have any chance to get out of here. Maybe I could try, but I think it will accelerate my dead fate. I’m clearly won’t get out of here alive, but maybe if I listen of what he says I would be able to just find a way out…

If I swear, I’m not even gonna try to escape, can you just don’t put that on me again?

I don’t know if that can work , but if I don’t try I’m never going to know…
Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2022
Crédits : Mystical : VAN.J

Univers fétiche : The masquerade
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Mar 2 Mai - 5:47

J'ai 34 ans et je vis à ..., .... Dans la vie, je suis homme a tout faire, mais j'ai reçu la formation pour être gardien de services correctionnel.

Psalm est mon pseudonyme. Je ne met mon nom légal nul part, comme ce serait risqué pour le business.

Took an oath by the blood on my hand
She became a little too talkative as I made her hop on the bed and grab the chain. She’s trying to make me believe there’s no way she’ll escape if I forgo the chains. I bit my tongue to restrain from laughin. This chick is bold or she really think I am THAT stupid. As she’s promising me she would swear not to go away, bargaining, I coo her smoothly.

-Oh, doll, the thing is.. Girl like you give me trust issues.

I taped her an wink and locked the iron on her ankle a little thighter than it was before the bath. My body was inches from her and I knew it was enough to creep her. I was in her personal space, savoring how her porcelain skin shivered, either from the pain or from uneasiness. My tone went deeper, colder, truer.

-…and, to be fair, I like it thigh.

It would at least give her something to remind her of me while I’ll be gone. I had things to do on the land and she would stick here for some time, missing the sun above. I grabbed the bag in which her fancy clothes were since it was the only thing remaining in between me and the door. It was so rare I got someone who did not know how to shut it even if it would cost them. Though, when I was creeping on the brunette, her expressions were funny. She was yelping so much, it was hard not to play along.

-So sad those pricy clothes are going to burn. Could have sell your underwear to some creep friend of mine, it would have been enough to pay you back.

I left her on that thought, the dazzling sun crawling inside the basement when I opened the entryway. I hoped not to think about my captive as I went about my day, since I would’nt usually worry. I was keeping them on behalf of my bosses, waiting the order to give them back or - more often that not - to execute them. Captives would not go on and take their life back. They would die and their organs would be sell off, they would enter some human trafficking organization ou they would face à far more bitter fate if they were important enough. This one, I was pretty sure she was not the one their took her for. This one, she would likely be killed or collected to become a sex slave for a non-important patron. She would die quickly enough, either way. I prefered those who actually did something wrong. I liked to take my sweet time torturing them to meet their fate.


Time went by and the sun came down. It was late, but rays of sunshine were still piercing my windows as I entered my cabin. I removed my dirty boots and fed the dog. I hesitated to go downstair to see her whereabout, but I was not to visit her for pleasure. So, I cooked my dinner and poured myself an Archie rose Gin. Food was good, so I took some other leftover out of the fridge to feed her. she was not to get special treatment and a warm meal could warm her stomach and soothe her loneliness at once. She was to eat cold. And I was to keep my visit short.

I brang a plate of unappealing week-old veggies pasta and fresh water. I figured out she would be thirsty since she had no access to any water. Thirst was a good way to weight down on someone’s shoulder, day by day. I did not faked any warmth in my voice as I called her.

-Dinner’s here, Sugar. Hope you are starving.

In mere seconds, I was by the bed and presented her the sad feast I was briggin’ her. I had intentionally forgotten the flatware. I would not risk being stabbed with a fork, as weak as she seemed to be. I was into pain, but the good kind. As I walked away, I did not bothered to take my chair out of the closet and sat in the staircase. this would be easier for me to step out if she was getting on my nerves.. And god knew just starring at her was straining me. I was hoping for news today. I was hoping they would tell me to get rid of her. Something in her was telling me to get her away from me as soon as it was possible. At the same time, if she was from De Haas, it would be suicid to meddle in their mess. If she was from De Haas, she didn’t seemed to know. I did not planned to do small talk with her, but knowing this could be real bad for me, I tried to get intel from her. to hell my bosses if she was to get me cornered. I snickered. It was fake, but who cared.

-Your mama’s a better cook, isn’t she?

To get the record straight, De Haas probably never touched any kitchenware in her whole life.. but based on what the brunette would tell me, I could figure out if she was their’s. Never saw the damn woman, so I could tell on the daughter’s look alone.

-Or are you? I could chain you up in the kitchen, next time.

Messages : 87
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2023
Région : Québec
Crédits : google tout simplement je n'ai pas vue de créateur.

Univers fétiche : Réel
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Valise 2
Mar 2 Mai - 15:38

Bethany Clarks
J'ai 30 ans et je vis à , . Dans la vie, je suis sans emploi et je m'en sors statut de vie pas bien.

Informations supplémentaires ici.

I needed to try, my skin was still hurt from that chains and I just didn’t want it anymore. I know I’m not in any position to ask for something and I knew even before starting to talk that he will not give me what I want, but at least I’ve tried. If only y knew the reason of me being kept captive here, I could play with that, but I don’t. His voice change and it make me hate him even more if that’s possible. I already hate him but now, it’s worst.

No wondering why… I can’t imagine how a women could want to be around a guy like you.

My voice was colder than I expected it to be. I didn’t even know I could sound like that. I know it won’t do anything to him I’m not the kind of girl who’s scary, but it felt good for me to sounds like that. I was impressed by myself now. Maybe I just dig my crave a little deeper but i don’t care. He finally locked the thing again on my ankles and this time a little tighter than before. It hurt and even if I try not show it, I know my face change. He was so close to me, my hand was burning with the desire to hit him, but I don’t move. I don’t have that much of a death wish soon. From this moment, I just kept my mouth shut. I know I’m not going to make him stop with my words. There’s nothing I can do for now. I just decide to be silence now. Maybe If I do, he’s going to leave me alone. When he says the last word ‘’pay me back” I just looked at him, trying to understand what he was saying…. Was I really here because I’ve been sold when I was a baby? I don’t even know my real family! He finally leaves and all I’ve had in mind what question. Who was my family? Why did it bring me here? I’m in the dark in all the way possible now…I just rolled on the most uncomfortable bed I even knew and try to think...

This night was like the other from the moment I’ve been taken. Not much sleep. I was getting weaker but it’s not like I could do something. I just stay there, not moving and I was sleeping here and there. It’s not the kind of sleep that you wake up and feel so good… When I fall asleep it’s more because my body can’t stay awake anymore. I lost track of everything. I don’t know anything anymore. My mind is still in the fog when I hear de door open. My body shiver at the idea of him being here again. His presence makes just everything worst. I forced myself to sit in the bed when I ears him talk. I’m not answering. He but the plate in front of me and even his I was starving, i don’t want to eat that. I don’t know if he was trying to poison me or what. I just took the water and drink it. He could drug me with that but at least, I will have somethings that I need. When he speaks of my mama, I looked at him again.

I don’t even know who my mother is so, how could I know.

I was just honest. I could have kept my mouth shut again, but maybe if I show then that I know nothing they will eventually kill me fast or let me go. It was beginning to be clearer that all of this was because of my real family, that I don’t know much. I push the food away and just replace myself on that bed.

Try and you’ll know. Maybe it will be the best or you’ll be dead of poisoning.

I don’t know how to cook. My false family never let me learn that, saying that we have domestic for that. I never cooked anything. At least if he chains me in the kitchen, I could see the sun. For now, I was trying another way with him, and it was speaking the less possible. Maybe he’ll get bored with me, and all of this will be over.

Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2022
Crédits : Mystical : VAN.J

Univers fétiche : The masquerade
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Mer 3 Mai - 5:10

J'ai 34 ans et je vis à ..., .... Dans la vie, je suis homme a tout faire, mais j'ai reçu la formation pour être gardien de services correctionnel.

Psalm est mon pseudonyme. Je ne met mon nom légal nul part, comme ce serait risqué pour le business.

Took an oath by the blood on my hand

Food poisoning. That was creative. Maybe that’s why she was not touching her plate.. or maybe I went a little too hard on her by serving leftover to her fancy palate. As she was not touching any of her food and giving me silence treatment, I kept thinking about her previous answer. The brunette did not knew her mother. Oh, bother. I would definitely get no intel from her. It was somewhat a clue since it would be weird from De Haas not to meet her own daughter, as much as a bella donna she was. They got the wrong bitch or there was something I was missing. How could I know? The less the keeper know, the less the boss risks if the cabin was to be found. There was no high security around. Our sole protection was given by our retreated area and a lot of money to keep mouths shuts, tongues tied and traitors deads. I sigh. I rised, walking slowly toward her.

-It’s been too many days, sugar. Either you eat or I make sure this food don’t go to waste. Can’t die on my watch, you know?

I kept closing the distance between the bed and I. My captive would have said anything at this point, I would go all the way with the scheme I had in mind. I wanted to make sure my little bird was not to starve herself and it was surely too used to be mouthfed.

Since I did not brang any silverware, I had nothing to feed her but my bare hands, but I didnt care. Since she was still chained to her bed, it was a piece of cake to grab both her wrist in my palm,  which I struck on the wall behind the bed. Just to be sure she would not strike me in the nuts, I put a knee on her legs, keeping her still against the hard matress. She was in sitting position, so I was making sure she would not have a stroke while she’d swallow. I ignored her struggle, sticking a piece of pasta on my tumbs. I warned her, meeting her eyes while baring a cold stare, as I emphased every words one by one.

-If. You. Bite. Me. I’ll make you wear a gag for the rest of your stay.

I took her chin in my remaining palm, forcing her jaw open, and bent my tumb to meet her tongue. I took a second, rubbing it against the back of her tastebuds, making sure she almost gagged. The scarce mouthfull was not enough to keep her fed, but I was far more than I needed to make a statement. She was to eat. By choice or by my hand. I retreated my tumbs, closing my fingers on her cheeks, savoring my work. I was still fixing her mouth so she understood how it does not bothered me to do so, reciting my orders.

-Unless you’re already addicted to the taste of my fingers, make sure you eat every other bites on your plate by morning. A bites on the ground is one you’ll eat dipped in the dust clinging to it.

Seeing her defenseless as she was before me, I had to resist teasing her furthermore. I would have dipped my tumbs in my own mouth and cleaned her already stain free lips just so I could mark her with my saliva, disgusting her with herself.. things I would have craved if the girl was mine. This one’s nothing but a bird in the dead row. Too bad.

I backed away, noting it was not that great of an idea to touch her. It awoke my dominant side. Maybe it has been too long since I had a young woman in my care. I lost the touch. Maybe I just needed sex. I mentaly planned a trip to the nearer city to vent a little. Any pussy that could moan loudly as it bend over would do the tricks.


Days went by and I was getting no fucking news. I stayed away from the bitch during those days, getting her water and -not great but greater - food. Twice I had to make her bath and I made no efforts not to stare. It was the little reward I was getting to put up with her all this time.

When the phone rang as the sun rised that day, I was pissed as I took in the time I waited. I almost yelled through my theet as I said my greetings.

-You, bastard. Enjoying your sweet time as I hide this ticking bomb downstair? Gotta take your ass here and check her fucking DNA, already?

My bosses wanted to check her background first, but it was useless. They were sure she had ties to the De Haas, but the caged bird I had here was clueless and I was sure no better concerning this matter. They had inkling about her link to the high society family, but no way to certify it. DNA testing seemed to be the only way to touch base to this point. Would I have had the DNA test kit in my hands, it would have been done sooner. Alas, the mail worthed nothing in these land and they seemed not eager to send an emissary.

The guy on the phone spew his orders and hang up as soon as I tried to place another word. The son of… I boiled, doing my best not to trow my phone across the kitchen. This was it. The mail. I was to wait the fucking mail to shove rhe test down her troat myself. it could take weeks before we got the results. I raged, going around the cabin as I tried to calm myself. Soon, I breathed better. But I was still so mad about the whole ordeal. Without a word, I went downstair. I was tired of the girl in my basement. Tired of not knowing if I it was the one who this mess was meant for. I greated her as I entered the room, not even knowing if she was awake.

-´morning, Sugar.

I let the door open behind me, letting the dazzling sun in. Teasing her.

-I wanted to reward you for the past days. You’ve been a good girl, wasn’t you?

I let that sink in. Would she bark or stay silent? I did not knew anymore.

-What would you say if.. we get you to « loosen up » a bit. The chains, I mean. We could put those irons aside and give your sore skin some relief.

I arched an eyebrow, searching her face for any reaction she would have.  I played it nice, my usual cool tone the only thing giving away I was up to something. I was only looking for some kind of relieve. I wanted to ease my mind, being back atmy bosses in any way. They’d be damned, but if she was to escape and I had to put her down, I would’nt care less. That’s why I teased her, knowing I would cave in anyway. I just wanted her to beg for it first.

A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues
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